Quick Start

Get your P2P address (enode)

For our nodes to accept your connection, we need to know your node's P2P addres, or "enode".

For Geth, it's easy to find from the logs when it starts:

INFO [01-17|03:45:14.371] Started P2P networking                   self=enode://cc92343d73e0d625154ec13d6c2e5a6b0c2d47431d3123b847c5c3749f3803d726b6c3ba676db8b0528b9f0f50b2812fffd7812d161fe6c3251de792ebfc8e83@

You can also use Geth's jsonrpc API to get it (assuming you have admin API enabled and listening on

$ curl -H 'Content-Type:application/json' --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":0, "method": "admin_nodeInfo", "params":[]}'| jq .

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 0,
  "result": {
    "id": "c39a3e92a65817adb941bfa9205efd7306068a310c62ddf808760d7ea31135a5",
    "name": "Geth/v1.10.25-stable/linux-amd64/go1.18.4",
    "enode": "enode://cc92343d73e0d625154ec13d6c2e5a6b0c2d47431d3123b847c5c3749f3803d    726b6c3ba676db8b0528b9f0f50b2812fffd7812d161fe6c3251de792ebfc8e83@",

Another way is to attach to Geth's local console (you can omit --datadir part if you are using it's default data path):

$ ./geth --datadir=/opt/ethereum attach
Welcome to the Geth JavaScript console!

To exit, press ctrl-d or type exit
> admin.nodeInfo

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 0,
  "result": {
    "id": "c39a3e92a65817adb941bfa9205efd7306068a310c62ddf808760d7ea31135a5",
    "name": "Geth/v1.10.25-stable/linux-amd64/go1.18.4",
    "enode": "enode://cc92343d73e0d625154ec13d6c2e5a6b0c2d47431d3123b847c5c3749f3803d    726b6c3ba676db8b0528b9f0f50b2812fffd7812d161fe6c3251de792ebfc8e83@",


Connect to Taichi peer

Choose your nearest Taichi node, and put it into your Geth's StaticNodes and TrustedNodes under [Node.P2P] section of config file and restart.


MaxPeers = 50
ListenAddr = ":30303"
# This is only an example, use enode from your dashboard
StaticNodes = ["enode://3e63dbe535cae88f12b7965f3faf74b9c9432d4c8454a98f6491505cd5aeda7dc1a13f91a810c18e9b11ee1da7757ec09d64ef727667c61daa1cb63cb553470b@" ]
TrustedNodes = ["enode://3e63dbe535cae88f12b7965f3faf74b9c9432d4c8454a98f6491505cd5aeda7dc1a13f91a810c18e9b11ee1da7757ec09d64ef727667c61daa1cb63cb553470b@" ]

If you are not using config file to run Geth, you can generate a config file using ./geth dumpconfig > geth.toml and edit it. And start by ./geth -config geth.toml

Verify connection is working

You can check your dashboard for connection status and node statistics.